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It’s a new year and at least here in Utah, we are snowed into our homes for a good few months which means that we want to declutter EVERYTHING. I like taking this time of year to work on it because we spend so much more time in our homes during this time anyway, why not? It sets us up to focus on our other goals for the rest of the year when we want to be out doing things.
I like to start in the bedroom. This is your home base. It’s where you sleep and where you rest so let’s make it restful. I usually start with my clothes to begin my bedroom. I have a dresser full of clothes and each year, I go through and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit or isn’t in style. I put everything I am getting rid of in a box. I don’t go through and sort things into a donate or throw away pile at this point because with clothes, I can get sentimental and the less time I spend deciding what to do with that item, the better. I will do that later.
Once the dresser is done, I move on to the closet. This space is a little different because on January 1st of each year, my clothes get a reset. I tell myself if I haven’t worn it in that year, it is gone. No questions asked. The way that I know is I have a jersey that I will never get rid of. It is my one sentimental item that I keep in my closet. That jersey goes at the end of my clothes. At the end of the year, anything that is before that jersey gets thrown out. I haven’t worn it, so it is gone. Once that is done, I sort my clothes into color or style, just to have a fresh start.
After all the clothes are done, I go through my nightstand. I keep my journals and books I am reading in there along with anything that I think we would need if there were a fire in the middle of the night. I like to be a little prepared. While I am pregnant, I also keep snacks and my medication for morning sickness in there too because those are also things that when I need them in the night, I need them immediately. I declutter all the other things that have accumulated in there and put them into piles of either put away or trash. I don’t usually keep things in my nightstand that I would donate.
Once all of that is done, then I go onto the rest of the room and clean. I vacuum, dust and clean our mirror. I check under our bed for things that don’t belong there and take out the trash. It feels so much better once that is done and cleaning for me, is the easy part that takes the least amount of energy so I leave it for last. Although, you could do it first just to get the ball rolling.
Lastly, take a picture! It is such a simple thing but being able to see what you have done gives you a sense of accomplishment. You can share it with your spouse or on social media and allow others to praise your hard work too. You might not need the praise, but it always feels good when someone tells you “ Well done!”.

This is just how I do it. I know there are so many other guides and blog posts about this topic. Find what works best for you. Something that is inspirational and that you can maintain. I know how important our homes are and the way that we keep our home has such a huge impact on our mental health. If it is overwhelming to you, reach out for help from a friend or family member. There are small businesses that also do this for a living and would be happy to help you too. Regardless, this is a great time to reset your home and give yourself a fresh start.