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It is a new year and I am so excited about this year! We have so many things that we are looking forward to this year that I can barely contain myself. One of those things is having our baby girl! With all that excitement though, there is a lot of planning and preparation that needs to happen in order for things to run smoothly. So I thought I would start off by sharing with you how I make my goals for the new year. It can be hard to plan things out for an entire year but if you take it as 3-4 month chunks of what you would like to accomplish by then, it doesn't seem so overwhelming.
To start, I think about my previous year. What did I do? What did I love about the year? What did I learn from the hard things, and the happy things? What do I wish I would have done that I can do now? These are all things I think about as I scroll through my camera roll and skim though my planner and journal. I then start to think about what I want my focus to be for this next year. I usually pick a word to focus on because it makes things so much easier when planning my year. This year, I chose the word Simplify because there's a lot of chaos in my life. Most of which I have created myself so, I just want to make things easier on myself this year.
Once I have done that, I like to go to https://www.melrobbins.com/2024bestyear and print out her workbook or take notes in my planner for the year. I will link a few options for you here. This is the one that I am using this year. Something that I love about this guide is that even though it was for 2024, it can still be used to roll into 2025 and rather than recreate the wheel, why not use what is already working. One of my favorite resources that she suggests is using a habit tracker. I print one out, you can print the one I use here. I have to have a routine or I feel like my entire life is off. So, this is a great time for me to plan out any new habits that I want to create and figure out where I can fit these habits into my current routine to make them stick. If you have read Atomic Habits, you know all about habit stacking and I love that hack! Some of my new habits this year are making my bed daily, reading my scriptures and not looking at my phone (specifically Instagram) first thing in the morning. No excuses.
Next, I plan out my big ambitions. These are my goals that are going to take some time and some strategy planning. This is another reason that I love Mel Robbins Best Year guide is because she helps break down your goals into manageable pieces. One of my biggest goals is to hire an assistant this year. We have movers and they are so valuable but I am going to need more help to keep things running smoothly in my business. Another goal I have is to simplify and declutter my home. This is a goal that I hope to accomplish in the first 3 months of the year. The rest of the year will be maintenance and creating new habits to maintain a simple home. No matter how big your goals are, there is always a way to break them down so that you can do something every day to bring you closer to accomplishing your goal.
Something else that I love about goal setting is that you can always work towards new goals. If you have accomplished your goals early in the year, start over. As I said in the beginning of the post, I like to work in 3-4 month increments throughout the yer. It puts a little more pressure on me to get them done because I don't think about how I have until December to accomplish this. Instead, I think "I want to accomplish this goal by April." Then I go from there and work on the next goal/step to get me closer to my overall goal to simplify my life, my home and my business.
I hope you have an amazing year full of joy and intentional living. I hope you accomplish your goals and if I can support you in anyway, let me know! I'd love to cheer you on.